HA Pocket Guide

Sensor Dry System: Automatically Adjusts Drying Time  Sensor Dry system measures the moisture levels during the cycle and automatically adjusts the drying time.

Trusted & Reliable When it comes to trusted, proven performance, LG is there for you with top of the line dryers—designed to last for years to come.

Ratedmostreliableamongallmajorappliancebrands by a leading U.S. consumer publication. 1

Ranked #1 in ACSI customer satisfaction survey among home appliance brands. 1

1 According to a leading consumer publication as of 12/15/16 2 ACSI’s Household Appliance and Electronics Report 2016 is based on interviews with 3,500 consumers who were asked to evaluate their experiences with recently purchased products. Respondents were chosen at random and contacted via email between June 17 and June 30, 2016.

ENERGY STAR® Most Efficient for 2023  This LG washer has been awarded the ENERGY STAR® Most Efficient Mark in 2023. Products that are recognized as the Most Efficient of ENERGY STAR in 2023 help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by meeting rigorous energy efficiency performance levels set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


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